I was ordained a priest on April 20, 1974, at St Thomas’ Church, Calcutta, by my former prefect of studies, Cardinal Picachy SJ, where I used to serve Mass as a student. I was told much later this was Hitler’s birthday, so I made a sincere commitment to try to wipe out his nefarious deeds, as a Jesuit priest.
Like St Ignatius, I wanted to do great things for the Church, and like him realised that I could only do great things for the Church by being a priest - Who said that you don’t need to be a priest to minister in a pastoral way to people? I discovered this through my Jesuit formation.
Vatican Council II was like a breath of fresh air. My youthful years had been full of Latin Masses and when I experienced the English Mass for the first time at Vinayalaya, the Juniorate at Andheri, Bombay, it was like taking wings. The Bombay Eucharistic Congress, with Pope Paul VI, was another defining moment
During my Theology studies at De Nobili College, because I had a horrid youth (my parents died when I was 9), I opted for youth work: all youth, not only Christians. I committed myself, like Mother Teresa, to make Christians better Christians, Hindus better Hindus, Muslims better Muslims and so on and so forth: that was the way the SSU was born: Searching and Service in Unity which is still going strong in 2024.
I taught Philosophy at Jnana Deepa and my lectures were made more relevant by the questions my SSU youth used to ask. I took my Biblical Studies very seriously and pored over non-Christians Scriptures. It helped to nurture non-Christian youngsters in their faith tradition. I also started a Bible Study Class, which is over 40 years old. I was in much demand for Masses and organising Inter-Religious Services. And all this goes on today with camps, dramatic works that I write and direct and various creative and fun-filled activities.
--Fr. Cyril Desbruslais SJ